If you own a small business, you should consider purchasing business auto insurance. This type of insurance can cover more than one company vehicle. Small business auto insurance also includes regular coverage, including comprehensive, liability and collision. You can determine the limit of your deductible for your small business auto insurance – the higher the amount, the lower you will pay for your insurance premium. Many companies sell business auto insurance, so you should have no problem finding an affordable insurance policy.
What Does Small Business Auto Insurance Cover?
Rented company vehicles
Company vehicles for sale
Any vehicles used for business purposes
Leased vehicles
Rates for Business Auto Insurance
Insurance companies consider many different factors when determining the cost of your business auto insurance policy. The use of your company vehicle(s) is just one factor that will affect the rate of your business car insurance. If you employ anyone who is required to drive for your company, you need to purchase small business auto insurance. Failing to do so may result in financial ruin as you could be held financially liable for any damage, injury expenses or lawsuits resulting from an accident involving one of your employees. Fortunately, you can protect yourself and your business by purchasing small business auto insurance coverage.