Imagine what it would be like without it in these cases:
• Replacement revenue for dependents
Q: What would happen to your spouse, children, and loved ones if your earnings were suddenly taken away? Who would pay the bills?
A: Life Insurance – Life Insurance gives you the peace of mind that your family will not bear financial hardships after your death.
• Funeral expenses
Q: How would your family pay thousands of dollars for funeral costs?
A: Life Insurance – No matter if it is a simple burial plan or a more sophisticated life insurance plan, your family will not bear the financial responsibility alone.
• Investment for the future
Q: If you have one, will your retirement plan at work be sufficient to support you and your spouse when you retire? How can you supplement your retirement income?
A: Life Insurance – There are many life insurance plans that accumulate “Cash Value” at varying rates. Investigate the possibilities!
• Inheritance
Q: How will your family deal with the future? Your favorite charity?
A: Life Insurance - Leave an Inheritance to family, charity, or a chosen institution. Or, even after you are gone, you can still put your children through college or leave them a cash inheritance.
• Death Taxes
Q: Will your family find it necessary to sell off your assents to pay expenses and taxes? Where will they find the money?
A: Live Insurance - Life insurance can take care of estate taxes or so called “death taxes” in the event of your passing. While new federal laws have lessened the brunt of these taxes, many states have increased their “death tax” to counteract those laws.